Sixteen Mukhi-Collector Size

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Sixteen faces is used for multi-dimensional purposes. In ancient religious texts, saints and sages have been advised to wear sixteen mukhi Rudraksha beads for enveloping the wearer with positive energy, harmonious body function, peace of mind and prosperity. It has positive hypnotic properties so its good for attracting love and affection and appraisal from the people around the wearer according to the RudrakshaJabalopanishad. It has also been stated that fire, theft or robbery never touches the wearer as well as his/her Properties. In all kind of jobs, legal problems etc victories always follow the wearer. From the experiences that has been received from various wearers, sixteen faces is good for the following conditions as well: To win Legal problems To improve the chance of conception for the ladies To destroy the evil thoughts of enemies. Mantra: Om Namaha Shivaya