Ten Mukhi

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Ten mukhi Rudraksha symbolizesLord Vishnu and is also believed to represent Dusavatar meaning seven incarnations of Lord Vishnu.  In Shiva Purana there is a detailed mention of how everyone irrespective of caste, creed, religion, nationality and gender can use ten mukhi Rudraksha for attaining physical, spiritual and mental benefits.Srimaddevibhagavathave also sung songs of praises on ten mukhi Rudraksha for its divine contribution in rescuing mankind from worldly sufferings, miseries, misfortunes, evil power and adverse planetary effects. While wearing it, one must chant mantra, Om Aksham Dash Vaktrasya Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Greem Om,for 108 times to invoke its power.

It offers name, fame, success, sound health, good concentration, exceptional memory power, good concentration, protection from evil spirit and black magic, spiritual liberation and salvation, freedom from worldly miseries, insecurity and inferiority complexes and finally, a key to fulfillment of every desire. Simply by wearing ten mukhi Rudraksha, the person can be ensured that social and financial security, prosperity, happiness, family harmony and peace shall always rule over the house in the coming generations as well. It ostracizes the fear factor and blesses a person with sound health.It is especially beneficial forleaders, social worker, politicians, government officers, legal practitioners, artists etc.It also prohibits a person from committing a sin. It is believed that consumption of milk, wherein a ten mukhi Rudraksha is dipped, leads to sound health.It functions as a medical boon for curing diseases like hormonal imbalance in the body, mental instability, whooping cough, respiratory diseases, asthma etc.

Mantra :- " Om Namaha Shivaya "