raja02/10/2008, 00:55
Subject: parcel received
Hi Suresh,
I have received rudrakshas today from TNT courier. Thanks for your fast service.
Name : raja
Address: Pune ,India
Sujattha01/26/2008, 03:58
Subject: Rudraksha-a boon to my family
You are already a boon for my family. Even though you charge a price for your beads, I would believe it is still a very small price to pay for something so perfect and divine. I must let you know that I actually gave the seven mukhi bead, that you gifted me with my last order, to my son. Now, he's pretty much wearing all beads from 3 to 11 mukhis, excepting the 10 and 5 mukhis.
Best Wishes,
Name : Sujattha.
Address: South India
Wo. Zikowski01/20/2008, 07:01
Subject: Rudraksha and Malas arrived
Dear suresh friend . I recived my package today. I'm realy greatfull to you.
I wish you happines and good luck.
Name : Wo. Zikowski
Address: Poland
Sunil D.01/18/2008, 11:57
Subject: Pracel received
Dear Suresh ji,I received the parcel in good condition. The beads are divine, thank you very much.Many thanks for the rosary, additional beads & the Shivling.
God bless you.
Jai Jai Shiv Shankar.
Best regards,
Name : Sunil D.
Address: Bombay ,India
Kurt D.01/05/2008, 05:57
Subject: Re : Advice
Hello Suresh,
Thank-you for answering my question regarding Rudraksha and gemstones. The information you gave me was very helpful. I appreciate your assitance. NAMASTE.
Name : Kurt D.
Address: NY ,USA
john12/30/2007, 02:04
Subject: saligram received in perfect packaging
Hello Dear Suresh
I couldn't resist to purchase the Mahavishnu Sudarsan Saligram (+ some more items) i found on the webbsite. Such beautiful and rare item is not easy to find. You are truely divine bringin such rare items for the public people like us...
Best regards
Name : john
Address: Netherlands
Walli. Kumar12/21/2007, 09:07
Subject: Re: Placed an order
Dear Sureshji,
Namaskar and thank you very much for the beautiful rudrakshas which I received before Shivratri.I have alot of faith in them
and am very much looking forward to wearing the beautiful mala.The Nag rudraksha is unbelievable-exactly shaped like a snake-already I have put them at the alter.
Thank you so much
Name : Walli. Kumar
Address: New zeland
Kurt Dornauer12/16/2007, 06:03
Subject: Received Parcel
Greetings Suresh,
I just wanted to let you know that my order arrived on in fine condition. Thank-you for including the free gifts - that was very kind of you. NAMASTE.
Name : Kurt Dornauer
Address: Los Vegas ,USA
Manoj kumar12/15/2007, 19:01
Subject: about the rudraksha and my search
Dear Sureshji,
How r u ? Wish u a Happy Holi.Recently i have got offer from many supplier to purchase beads from their organisation,including some astrologers in my yahoo groups offer the same,but keeping faith upon u & urs oraganitation,i have deceided to purchase the beads from u only.Some of my relatives also wants to procure beads from u through me.After My placement of order,it arrived within three days so fantastic which i never thought it will be so fast..The beads are really looks good and i have ordered loose beads from your site but you send all them strung in thread in the sinlge mala , it was great work from your side because making malas and stringing them here in my place will be more difficult and humbo-jumbo job ..
Thank you so much for your help..
"Om Namah Sibaya"
Regards & Thanks
Name : Manoj kumar
Address: Orissa.India
Komala12/15/2007, 01:05
Subject: Parcel received
Dear Mr suresh ji:
Thank you very much for sending me my order. I received it yesterday and was very much happy to see it, along with many complimentary gifts that you sent. I sincerely appreciate your service and I hope I'll buy even more items in the future. Many blessings to all of you, and your families.
Warm regards
Name : Komala
Address: Fiji