
US$6 (Inr.492)
Carrying the Shani Yantra in your pocket is believed to seek the blessings and protection of Lord Shani (Saturn). It's thought to mitigate the negative effects of Saturn's influence, promote discipline, and bring stability to various aspects of life. This yantra is believed to help individuals navigate challenges and enhance their overall well-being.
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US$6 (Inr.492)
Keeping the Shree Mangal Yantra in your pocket is believed to attract the positive influences of the planet Mars (Mangal). It's thought to enhance courage, vitality, and determination while minimizing the negative aspects associated with Mars. Carrying this yantra may help you navigate challenges with greater strength and promote overall well-being.
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US$6 (Inr.492)
Carrying the Shree Chandra Yantra in your pocket is believed to draw the positive energies of the moon (Chandra), fostering emotional balance, intuition, and inner calm. It's thought to help soothe emotional turbulence and promote a sense of tranquility throughout your day, enhancing your overall well-being.
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US$6 (Inr.492)
Having the Shree Brihaspati Yantra in your pocket is believed to invite the blessings of Jupiter (Brihaspati), the planet associated with wisdom, knowledge, and spirituality. Carrying this yantra is thought to enhance your intellectual pursuits, bring positive opportunities, and promote spiritual growth, making it an auspicious talisman for personal development and success.
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US$6 (Inr.492)
Embrace the mystical energy of Rahu with the Rahu Yantra in your pocket. As it accompanies you, this yantra is believed to balance and harmonize the shadowy influences, guiding you toward clarity and inner transformation.
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US$6 (Inr.492)
Envelop yourself in the intellectual aura of the Shree Budha Yantra tucked in your pocket. This yantra is thought to enhance communication skills, mental agility, and analytical prowess, making every interaction and thought a conduit for Mercury's insightful energy.
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US$6 (Inr.492)
Carry the enigmatic essence of Ketu with you through the Shree Ketu Yantra in your pocket. This yantra is believed to offer spiritual insights, dissolve obstacles, and connect you with deeper layers of consciousness, accompanying you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.
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US$6 (Inr.492)
Let the radiant power of the sun accompany you with the Shree Surya Yantra in your pocket. This yantra is thought to infuse you with vitality, confidence, and positive energy, illuminating your path and guiding you toward success and self-assuredness.
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US$6 (Inr.492)
Carry the harmonizing forces of the Navagraha Yantra with you in your pocket. This yantra is believed to unite the energies of all nine planets, bringing balance and auspiciousness to your life's journey, protecting you from astrological imbalances and fostering overall well-being.
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US$6 (Inr.492)
Embrace the enchanting energy of Venus with the Sukra Yantra in your pocket. This yantra is believed to attract love, beauty, and harmonious relationships, infusing your day with a touch of elegance, sensuality, and aesthetic appreciation.
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US$30 (Inr.2459)
The Sampuran Navagraha Yantra for hanging is a complete yantra featuring all nine planetary symbols. Hanging this yantra is believed to harmonize the energies of the planets, ward off negative influences, and bring blessings for overall well-being and success in life.
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