Rudraksha nepal, started the promotion of holy Rudraksha tree for those who want to grow the tree in their home garden. Although it does not require any special climatic condition to grow, it depends on the nature of soil and care during first few months of sprouting the seeds of Rudraksha. After planting this holy tree around the house, it removes evil eye and sins of the housing environment. Because of its evergreen nature, it brings cool environment around the surrounding. Rudraksha tree can be grown by soiling the special beads as well as by planting small plant directly. When Rudraksha beads are soiled it takes around one year for it to sprout to a plant. Not all the beads that you are getting have the quality to sprout into plant, so to overcome this difficulty we supply the healthy selected beads for planting.
Rudraksha can be grown in tropical and subtropical climatic condition. During the few years when the plant just sprouted or when small plant is planted it requires very special care with daily watering to the plant, shelter from cold, direct sun light and from insect bites. After five to seven years, it starts giving rise to Rudraksha beads of different faces in the same tree.
The most usual causes of failures for growing Rudraksha tree is with quality of seed or sowing too deeply. Another common cause is watering. Seeds need a supply of moisture and air in the soil around them. Most seeds will of course only germinate between certain temperatures. These are the care to be taken for plantation of seeds of Rudraksha.
Rudraksha Nepal supplies both the beads as well as small plant directly from our farming site. All the details for growing this holy tree will be provided to the customer once they place order of either plant or beads of any quantity.

Rudraksha Plant

For Buying Seeds Click Here