As a representation of god Indra, also known as Bisheswor, thirteen mukhi Rudraksha possesses divine power. It is also regarded as the form of god Kamdev, also called god Cupid. Therefore, it inherits virtues like love, affection, beauty and attraction as its attributes. It is a rare type of Rudraksha and is not easily available. Before using or wearing it, it should foremost be held in hand and mantra,Om Kshom Trayo-Dasa-Vak-Trasya Om Ee Yam Apa Om, must be recited for 108 times. It is then ready to be worn around neck.
It empowers a person with an ability to woo another individual with irresistible charisma. Its wearer or user will further have a power to control her/his own destiny. Besides humans, animals will also remain bewitched and besotted under the influence of the wearer’s spell. Thirteen mukhi Rudraksha unfolds immense spiritual gain, success, physical and mental strength, good luck, power of authority, charismatic personality, honor, employment opportunity, wealth, worldly pleasures, high level of social and financial status and glory if worn on head and neck. Negative thoughts prompting to commit sins will not be able to wander around a wearer or user of thirteen mukhi Rudraksha beads. Just by wearing it one can turn all their dreams, wishes and desires into realities. It provides special help to researchers, doctors and scientists in reaping successful results in their fields of expertise. It also proves to be beneficial for public figures or celebrities who wishes to capture the hearts of the millions and stay forever as a hot cake in the public eyes. It is a common belief that if one drink up the milk which was boiled after dipping thirteen mukhi Rudraksha beads into it, then the person gets rid off all his physical weaknesses and attains sound health. It eliminates diseases relate to muscle like dystrophies.